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武汉中考网中考武汉站 > 初三年级 > 练习题 > 英语练习题 > 正文


2011-01-30 14:21:49[标签:2011 初三 习之 英语 连词 专项 训练]


试题类型:英语练习题 > 2011年初三总复习之英语连词专项训练




  1、I don't like reading       watching TV. What about you? "I don't like reading all day,     I like watching TV plays."

  A.and, but                B.and, and                      C.or, and                  D.or, but

  2、You won't know the value(价值) of the health        you lose it.

  A.until                      B.after                      C.when                     D.because

  3、We bought Granny a present,        she didn't like it.

  A.but                       B.and                       C.or                          D.so

  4、Study hard,       you will pass the exam.

  A.so                         B.for                         C.but                        D.and

  5、Put on more clothes,       you'll catch cold.

  A.and                       B.for                         C.or                          D.but

  6、My shoes are worn out,        I need new ones.

  A.so                          B.if                           C.because                 D.and

  7、He ran      fast       he won the race.

  A.enough …to         B.so …that        C.too…to           D.both…and

  8、He is only ten months. He can     read       write.

  A.either…or             B.neither…nor         C.both…and             D.so…that

  9、She said she might come       Saturday        Sunday .

  A.neither…nor                                     B.nither…or

  C.too…to                                              D.so…that

  10、If Tom       Mike asks for their car, tell him to come tomorrow.

  A.or                          B.and                        C.with                      D.but

  11、It was already ten o'clock      we got to the museum this morning.

  A.that                       B.when                     C.if                           D.for

  12、It's a long time       we met last.

  A.so                          B.after                      C.since                     D.before

  13、That maths problem is       difficult      nobody can do it.

  A.too…to                                       B.very…that

  C.so…that                                     D.very …but

  14、I'll give her the message       she comes back.

  A.since                    B.before                   C.until               D.as soon as

  15、       the teacher came into the classroom, many students were talking to each other.

  A.While                    B.If                          C.Since                     D.When

  16、People often mistake us for each other      we are twins.

  A.if                          B.when                     C.because                 D.after

  17、Could you tell me       in your home town in winter?

  A.if it often snowed                              B.whether does it often snow

  C.if it often snow                                  D.whether it often snows

  18、Are you sure        Mr. Li will come to your birthday party?

  A.if                           B.that                       C.for                        D.when

  19、      Lily      Lucy like singing.

  A.Either…or                                  B.Beither…nor  …

  C.Both…and                                  D.So…that

  20、Read the sentences slowly       we can understand what you read.

  A.so that                  B.before                   C.until                      D.because



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