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2013-08-01 17:10:21[标签:初三起点考 江岸区起点考 起点考英语]

试题简介: 武汉中考网:江岸区2012-2013学年度九年级起点考试英语试卷(word版附参考答案),供广大学生参考。(延伸阅读:初三月考试卷汇总) [部分试卷预览,如需下载word试卷及答案,请至本文页尾。] [更多免费中考试题

试题类型:英语试题 > 江岸区2012-2013学年度九年级起点考试英语试卷及答案

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  26.-It's hard for me to buy the lovely blue skirt, I was 20 dollars .

  -If you like it ,I will lend you some money.

  A.less B.lower C.short D.cheaper

  27.-Please have a rest.You' ll yourself out if you carry on working so hard.

  -Never mind.I'll have a rest now,Thank you.

  A.help B.wear C.enjoy D.find

  28.-We plan to go out for a picnic next weekend.Would you like to come along?

  - . It's my favorite.

  A.Have a good time B. It doesn' t matter

  C.You're welcome D.That would be very nice

  29-I'm happy to be here for my six-month English course.

  - . Call me if you have any trouble

  A.Help yourself. B.Don't beneverous

  C.Take care. D.Look out

  30.-In your opinion,is Doctor Lin strict with you?

  -Of course.But he is very with his patients and we all like him.

  A. pleased. B.patient

  C.unfriengly D.serious

  31.-we can start our trip from Beijing, passing Wuhan,then to Guangzhou.

  -Good,I think this is a good .

  A. line B.way C.road. D.place

  32.-I hear Mike has refused to go to your birthday party.Is that so?

  -Yes,but I have no idea how his works.

  B. mind B.head C.knowledge.D.information

  33.-There is too large a population in China.

  -How to make them live better is a great to the Chinesd people.

  A. work B.development

  C.influence D.challenge


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