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2013-08-22 16:26:55[标签:起点考 江岸区起点考 九年级起点考]

试题简介: 武汉中考网:江岸区2011-2012学年度九年级起点考试英语试卷(word版附参考答案),供广大学生参考。(延伸阅读:初三月考试卷汇总) [部分试卷预览,如需下载word试卷及答案,请至本文页尾。] 第二部分:笔试部分

试题类型:英语试题 > 江岸区2011-2012九年级起点考英语试卷

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  ( )26. - You shouldn't wait here, _______you can go and ask Jim why. - OK, I'll do that.

  A at the beginning B in the end C at first D at least

  ( )27.- What a pity! I miss a chance. - When another chance______ next time, you can take it.

  A comes along B gets along C takes along D runs along

  ( )28. - The bus is going so slowly! - Yes. There is usually a lot of _____ at this time of day.

  A buses B taxis C people D traffic

  ( )29. - Do you mind if I stay here a little longer? - ____.

  A No, you can't B Yes, you may C Certainly not D Yes, not at all

  ( )30. -How long has his brother_______ the book? - For two weeks.

  A kept B bought C lent D borrowed

  ( )31. -_______fish, we eat meat, vegetables and so on. -Yes, it's important to have a healthy lifestyle.

  A Except B Besides C Between D Among

  ( )32. - I have learnt _______twenty English songs. - Really? You are great.

  A a few B many C more D another

  ( )33.- _______. - Well, on Saturday morning, I played volleyball on the beach.

  A How was your weekends? B Where did you go last weekend?

  C What did you do last weekend? D When did you start your weekend?

  ( )34. - Can you_______ English with me? - Certainly, with pleasure.

  A help B say C talk D practice

  ( )35. - If you fall into trouble, please let me know. -_______.

  A I will think it over B I will never fall into trouble

  C I will. It's very kind of you D I'm very happy to hear that

  ( )36. - Is _______here? - No, Jim is away.

  A anybody B somebody C everybody D nobody

  ( )37. - which about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? - I do that sometimes. I think it _______.

  A cares B improves C helps D matters

  ( )38. I'm just asking for your_______ answer to the question how we can learn more English.

  A clear B special C full D specific

  ( )39. -You can't walk or even speak. Does it worry you much? -it's not a problem. It's a challenge. I just enjoy_______ it.

  A changing B solving C facing D forgetting

  ( )40. -On weekends, I usually play computer games all day. - Don't _______ time on such silly things.

  A take B put C add D waste


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